Concert Schedule 2021


Online concert for Irish Music and Dance in London (IMDL)


Fri 26
Back in the autumn, Karen Ryan of Irish Music and Dance in London (IMDL) invited Máire and Chris to take part in a series of concerts she had arranged for this spring in King's Place, London. When the lockdown arrived, all concerts migrated online. As travelling to London was impossible because of Covid restrictions, IMDL arranged for Chris and Máire to be filmed at the Courthouse Arts Centre, Otley, West Yorkshire - their very first online concert. They really enjoyed playing on an actual stage again, with actual PA and lights! The hour-long concert (sponsored by the Irish Embassy and presented in association with the Irish Arts Foundation) was streamed on Friday 26th March and available
to watch until April 4th.

Some of the concerts in IMCL's excellent series are still available to watch here.


Online concert for 36th International Festival for Irish Harp ( An Chúirt Chruitireachta)


Thu 1
On 1July
Máire and Chris will perform at an online concert for the 36th International Festival for Irish Harp ( An Chúirt Chruitireachta), the oldest and most prestigious festival for Irish harp in existence. The festival will take place Sunday 27 June - Fiday 2 July.

Máire is one of several leading Irish harpers who will teach online at the festival, so you can avail of top-notch harp tuition in the comfort of your own home!
Book concert tickets and / or sign up to classes - or just explore what's on offer


Online concert for Harp Day (the amazing international event coordinated by Harp Ireland)

Fri 16
Máire and Chris are delighted that the final concert of the day, HARPS FROM ALL CORNERS, featuring performances from many parts of the world, culminates with their contribution.
Watch it here. (Their set starts at 2:40:48 and to watch that only, click here.)

In-person concerts in the UK!

Fri 29 Newcastle upon Tyne - Tyneside Irish Festival
Tyneside Irish Centre
41 Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4SG
Doors open 7pm

Festival website

In the run-up to the Festival
Máire chats with Michael McNally for the Tyneside Irish Cultural Society's August 2021 Podcast.


Fri 19 Matlock, Derbyshire - Florence Nightingale Memorial Hall, Holloway
Mill Lane, Holloway, Matlock DE4 5BD
Start time: 7:30pm
Tickets and info: Email promoter

(This concert is sponsored by Live & Local)


Our Celtic Christmas Strings show!

Fri 3 Skipton, N. Yorkshire - Conistone with Kilnsey Village Hall
Address: Kilnsey,
Skipton, BD23 5PS
Concert for Upper Wharfedale Arts and Literature Society
Start time: 7:30pm
Tickets £13 and £15 UWALS members and non-members to include a glass of mulled wine.
Phone 01756 770051/770350 or email the organiser for bookings.

We are hoping the Covid situation will have sufficiently improved by the Spring of 2022 to allow us to resume regular touring. We'll keep you posted of course.






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